Everything you need to know about the vaping, hand sanitising, CBD and manufacturing industries


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The Malaysian tax on nicotine E-Liquid Last year, the Malaysian government decided that vaping needed to become more regulated due to its increasing popularity. Along with the sudden Tobacco and Smoking Control Bill approved July 13, 2022, that bans the sal...
Back in 2011, the German Bundestag made a sudden amendment to the Tobacco Tax Act in an effort to modernise it. This resulted in an increase in tax for tobacco-containing products. But as of the 1st of July 2022, E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids, even those that do...
Back in 2011, the German Bundestag made a sudden amendment to the Tobacco Tax Act in an effort to modernise it. This resulted in an increase in tax for tobacco-containing products. But as of the 1st of July 2022, E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids, even those that do...