Info Hub
Get in contact with the person you need to talk to at Xyfil with these important contacts. Whether you’re looking for a quote, more information or regarding a project already in the works, these are our key contacts. Sales team Our sales teams are...
You’ve settled on your flavours and even possibly produced your batches of E-liquid already. But have you thought about the packaging? Sometimes the design of a product gets left until last resulting in hurriedly designed packaging and labels that can feel s...
Last month a decision was made by the EFSA (European Food Standards Agency) to put a hold on approving CBD as a Novel Food. It was cited that there was not enough data yet on the safety of CBD, and gaps in the data about potential hazards related to CBD. Th...
Looking to expand and take your product elsewhere? Understanding the regulations for the country you wish to sell your vaping products, is essential as they differ around the globe. And it is certainly worth taking your product to other markets, especially if...
You may have already heard that the UK government is currently in talks about how to approach the fast-approaching deadline for Smoke-Free UK. Currently, there are plans to increase the legal age for smoking from 18 to 21 in a bid to bring smoking prevalence d...
The vaping market is often flooded with flavours, new variations of well-loved fruits, re-imaginings of flavours you thought you knew and inspired combinations that create new experiences. Last year the most popular flavour for vape juice was certainly raspber...
Last month a decision was made by the EFSA (European Food Standards Agency) to put a hold on approving CBD as a Novel Food. It was cited that there was not enough data yet on the safety of CBD, and gaps in the data about potential hazards related to CBD. Th...
Looking to expand and take your product elsewhere? Understanding the regulations for the country you wish to sell your vaping products, is essential as they differ around the globe. And it is certainly worth taking your product to other markets, especially if...
You may have already heard that the UK government is currently in talks about how to approach the fast-approaching deadline for Smoke-Free UK. Currently, there are plans to increase the legal age for smoking from 18 to 21 in a bid to bring smoking prevalence d...
The vaping market is often flooded with flavours, new variations of well-loved fruits, re-imaginings of flavours you thought you knew and inspired combinations that create new experiences. Last year the most popular flavour for vape juice was certainly raspber...
With the vaping industry reaching $20.4 Billion globally in 2021, and it’s expected to reach $30 Billion by 2027, it’s still viable to make your place in the vaping market. Likewise, the CBD market in the UK sat at £700 million in 2021 with it expected to...
A crucial part of the business is ensuring that there are processes in place that help avoid unexpected problems causing delays in production. And if the Covid pandemic taught us one thing, there are many industries and manufacturers who do not have these in p...